Broadway Impress 2x Longer Lasting Press On Manicure with Point Nail Stone 24 Nails
Broadway Impress 2x Longer Lasting Press On Manicure with Point Nail Stone 24 Nails
*Nail Stone Design May Vary*
Before Application
Select correct size nail for each finger and set aside in order.(Use smaller sizes for best results.)
Wash Hands; use enclosed prep pad to cleanse natural nails.
During Application
Press nails down filmy, first in the middle, then on each side of nail for long-lasting results. (Always apply thumb nails last.)
After Application
For the first 1/2hour, repeat pressing on nails to ensure extended wear. Wait one hour before cutting or filing nails and before exposing to water. Glitter may cause an uneven edge; gently smooth with enclosed file.
Remove in Seconds
Gently peel off from sides or apply polish remover around edges, wait 1 minute, peel off.