SCUNCI Weave and Wave Rollers Hair Set 6Pcs
SCUNCI Weave and Wave Rollers Hair Set 6Pcs
- Use on damp and dry hair
- Ideal for creating soft waves
For best results, hair should be set when it is mildly damp or dry.
Medium to Long Hair Set
1. Using a brush, comb, or your fingers, separate a small section of your hair.
2. Gently stretch apart your Weave and Wave rollers and place the top roller snugly against the scalp under the selection.
3. Strating at the top of the hair (against the scalp) weave your hair from the top to the bottom of the roller and back up the roller again until you have reached the end of your sectioned hair.
4. Gently squeeze the rollers together to hold in place.
5. Hair should be completely dry (naturally or by use of a hair dryer) before removing rollers to prevent tangles and see maximum results.
6. To remoe rollers, gently pull apart enough to loosely unwind section of hair from the rollers.
7. When removing rollers, begin at the roller that set first and work in the same order the head removing the rollers.
Short Hair Set
1. Gather a section of hair.
2. Gently stretch apart your Weave and Wave rollers and place the top roller snugly against the scalp under the section.
3. While holding in place with one hand use your free hand to wrap your section of hair around each roller and squeeze the second roller against the first.
4. Continue to gather concurrent sections of hair and wrappping them individually around each roller and squeezing until you have reached the end of your Weave and Wave rollers.
5. Wrap the end around the last roller reached and gently squeeze closed.
6. Continue until entire head is wrapped.
Quick TIps :Â
- For faster results use a hair dryer to dry the hair and activate your beautiful waves (you can now dry both sides of your rolled hair).
- Try rolling your hair around 2 or 3 rollers at a time for an entirely different curl.
- For spiral curls loop a selection of hair completely around each roller on the way down.